Better Sitting Comfort

Easy-to-do Fine-tuning Exercise

"Your body loves harmonious movement"

Use this body fine-tuning session to find a more comfortable way to sit.

If you are sitting down and you can spare a moment, notice first how you sit. Move yourself a little forward and find a comfortable spot on the middle of your chair, not leaning back.

Be as comfortable as you can. Notice your breathing.
Where can you feel movement when the air flows in and out?

The Neck

Think of your neck. How long is it? For a moment, imagine the length of it on the back side. To get a better sense, feel it gently with a few fingers. Go up and down a few times; do this as soft as possible. Meanwhile, keep breathing normally and relax your body as well as you can.

Then rest your hand again on your thigh, but keep thinking and imagining that you are touching your neck. This will send an active image to your brain.

Then do the following:

When you exhale, slowly lower your head a little. Notice how the back of your neck gets longer.

When you inhale, come back, and move your head back to the starting position.

Repeat this 5-7 times. While doing the movement, relax your face and jaw.

Take a short rest and relax.

The Back

Notice the contact you make with your chair. Keep noticing the rhythm of your breathing. Within your own comfort, do the following: When you exhale, gently let your balance shift just a little backward. When you inhale return to the starting position.

Can you notice if and how the lower back gets rounder?

Repeat a 5-7 times and have a rest.


Then prepare yourself to do both movements at the same time.
First imagine how you would combine them.

Sit comfortably. Prepare by inhaling. Then, while you exhale, nod your head gently
and slowly round your lower back.

Come back. The repeat this movement several times.

Let ease guide your movement. Repeat as many times you like,
gradually making the movement slower and smaller.

Hope this is useful!


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