Amazing Benefits of Sleep
Sleep comes with amazing benefits.
Some of the benefits are logical and easy to guess, such as promoting brain health, keeping the heart strong, and powering the immune system.
Other benefits might be surprising, and can change your life. For example, optimal sleep quality can help to improve menstrual regularity, make your hair healthier, and keep your bones stronger.
This page is part of my ongoing project on YouTube. If you are interested to learn about the amazing benefits of sleep, do subscribe to my channel to be among the first to see the newest videos.
Hope you enjoy!
#8 Benefit of Sleep — Reducing Menstrual Irregularities & Pain
According to research, the effect of sleep quality can be significant. If you lack sleep, your risk of experiencing menstrual challenges is much higher, for menstrual irregularity 72% and for experiencing increased pain 78% higher compared to when you get enough quality sleep. Therefore, to minimize menstrual irregularities always try to optimize your sleep habits!
#7 Benefit of Sleep — Optimizing Immune System
One of the key processes within the immune system is to recognize previously encountered viruses and pathogens. This involves communication between alerting signals and receptors. The alerting signals are known as antigens and the receptors cells are known as memory T helper cells. Research indicates that sleep is the prime time for the body to facilitate processes that promote the optimal functioning of memory T-cells function. But if you lack sleep — your immune system lacks communication power, making you more likely to catch a flu. A good reason to keep optimizing your sleep habits.
#6 Benefit of Sleep
Boosting Brain-energizing Processes
While you sleep, your body actively facilitates processes that store energy in your brain. This energy you need during the coming day to be able to effectively observe, think, and make decisions. Sleep is the prime time for the body to facilitate this energy restoring process. Therefore, always prioritize optimizing your sleep habits.
#5 Benefit of Sleep
65% Reduced Risk of Heart Failure
Sleep can reduce the risk of heart failure by 45% based on research. Therefore, to keep your heart strong and healthy try always to optimize your sleep quality!
#4 Faster Immune System
To function in an effective and speedy way, your immune system needs energy. Based on research, if you lack sleep — your immune system lacks energy. As a result, you are more likely to catch a flu. For example, with less than 6 hours, you are over 4 times more likely to catch a respiratory virus, like flu, compared to someone who sleeps at least 7 hours.
Cleanses Your Brain
What makes the brain cleaner and healthier is a process called Glymphatic flushing. Always remember that sleep is the only time for the body to facilitate this cleansing process.
69% Reduced Risk of Heart Attack
Heart attack, also called myocardial infarction means that blood is blocked from reaching an area of the heart muscle, which can be fatal. Sleep is the prime time for the body to perform proper metabolic self-cleaning. What also helps is that during sleep, the heart rate is slower, allowing the heart to rest, recover, and heal.
#1 Brightens Your Brain
What makes the brain brighter is called myelination. Myelination improves connectivity, making it possible for us to think and learn.
"Your body and brain deserve to get all the amazing benefits of sleep -for better tomorrow"