Quality Sleep – The Foundation of Optimal Brain Health

Quality SleepThe Foundation of Optimal Brain HealthIn the quest for optimal brain health, few factors are as fundamental and impactful as the quality of our sleep. Just as a sturdy foundation supports a towering structure, quality sleep forms the bedrock upon which our physical, mental and emotional well-being thrive. From protecting the neural structures to […]

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How to Get Better REM Sleep

The Secret to Get Better REM SleepNew Insight into REM SleepThe REM or Rapid Eye Movement sleep is the phase when your brain does self-reorganizing of its memory function. Everything that has been stored during the wake-time into the short-term memory area will be valued either as non-impressive or important data. Then the non-impressive data […]

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Amazing Sleep Audio Guides

The Amazing SleepAudio GuidesNew Volumes Now available!Perfect for easing your way into sleep,these instructions guide you to soothe yourself into sleep by doing gentle sleep-inducing movements,right in the comfort of your own bed.Simply play the audio guide, listen to the easy-to-followinstructions, and do gentle sleep-inducing movements. Soon you will notice how your body starts to relax,and your mind […]

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How to Measure and Improve Your Sleep Quality

How to Measure and Improve Sleep Quality”Improvement starts with the first step.”Sleep efficiency (SE) is a measure of how effectively you sleep, calculated as the ratio of the time you actually spend sleeping to the total time you spend in bed. The value is often expressed as a percentage, with higher sleep efficiency indicating a […]

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Calming Cranial Nerves for Better Sleep

Calming the Cranial NervesThere are many ways we can evoke and sustain calmness within the nervous system. What I find very interesting and beneficial is to learn how to use the human cranial nervous system network as a portal to improving sleep quality. Watch the videos to find more! Too high or low support will […]

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Amazing Sleep – Your Secret Beauty Elixir

Beauty SleepCould Sleep be Your Natural Beauty Secret?No beauty product or treatment offers as many transformative benefits as optimal sleep. From revitalizing cellular processes to promoting emotional healing and increasing mental clarity, sleep facilitates even the most intangible processes that foster beauty in its purest form.To understand more about the powerful relationship between sleep and […]

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Amazing Benefits of Sleep

Amazing Benefits of SleepSleep comes with amazing benefits.Some of the benefits are logical and easy to guess, such as promoting brain health, keeping the heart strong, and powering the immune system.Other benefits might be surprising, and can change your life. For example, optimal sleep quality can help to improve menstrual regularity, make your hair healthier, […]

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'Better Sleep is just a gentle movement away'

All it takes is gentle sleep-inducing movements.

Learn how in my FREE ebook

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