Amazing Sleep Facts

Amazing Sleep FactsOver the years, I’ve come across many amazing facts about sleep.Here, I’ll share some of them, adding more as the time goes by.Hope you enjoy! Humans are the only mammals that willingly delay sleep- this explains why many people are lacking sleep simply because they decide to go to sleep later.* * *About […]

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Quality Sleep – Promoting Optimal Gut Health

​Sleep as Self-Care​Can 8-hour Sleep Promote Healthy Gut Function?​Plenty of good happens in your gut while you sleep. Throughout the digestive system, trillions of microorganisms transform food into nutrients, constantly monitored and regulated by your gut hormone and immune systems. Getting enough sleep supports all these processes, giving you the best possible health benefits. Lack […]

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Mini-Lesson: Fine-Tuning Breathing For Better Sleep

How to Fine-Tune Your Breathing for Better Sleep?The way we fall asleep is very personal. What induces you into a deep rest with ease might not work for someone else. Sometimes controlled breathing exercises are suggested to help cure insomnia. However, the results might be totally opposite: instead feeling sleepy,controlled breathing makes you feel energized […]

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'Better Sleep is just a gentle movement away'

All it takes is gentle sleep-inducing movements.

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