How To Avoid Computer Vision Syndrome?

Did you know...

Just 2 hours in front of digital screens can cause SERIOUS EYE STRESS.


Stressed eyes can lead to DEGENERATIVE VISION.

No doubt, everyone wishes to maintain bright and healthy vision.
After all, we have only one pair of eyes!

Unfortunately, today´s modern lifestyle forces us to spending hours staring at computers, screens, tablets or smart phones.

How do you think your eyes can handle this day after day, for years and years to come?

Not so well? Let me share what happened to me.

After a career change, about seven years ago I quadrupled my time in front of the computer screen. Before long I felt my eyes getting more and more stressed. My eyesight was blurry, I had headaches and stiff neck during and after the working hours and at night I missed quality sleep. I realized these symptoms were not normal and over-the-counter medicines only helped to suppress the pain. To find the real cause I did an extensive research.

I realized I was suffering from the Computer Vision Syndrome

Computer Vision Syndrome is a name for all kinds of eye and vision related issues caused by digital screens. According to research, over 90% of adults in US spend more than 2 hours in front of digital screens and experience physical discomfort from doing so. Besides daily symptoms, the retina gradually gets damaged. It could take years before noticing the negative effects, but the risks are real. Losing the ability to focus forever would be the worst outcome.

Did I stop working with computer?
No, I still spend much time with digital devises.

I have always had much interest in the way body functions and as a certified movement teacher I create body fine-tuning exercises to make my students, and myself feel better. To counter the eye strain I got from working with the computer, I designed easy to do eye exercises, combined with subtle body movements to keep me feeling fresh while going through piles of work. Today, not only is my eyesight better, but my working posture is comfortable. I could do more work while enjoying life, and sleep well at night.

Over the years I perfected the exercises, tips and facts about vision and organized them into easy to follow sessions. Now you could benefit from the very same exercises I have been doing at your own convenience at home or at work.

You can start right now. Sign Up for my newsletter to get access to a video & eBook “Refresh your eyes & Better sitting comfort”

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