The Way You Sit Can Affect Your Life
Working for hours and hours sitting in front of the screen, paying no attention to my body posture, this used to be the typical me. Then, when I ended up with a tired neck and back, I considered it a “normal” part of the day.
Actually, those symptoms were early signs, and it was just matter of time before the seemingly harmless discomforts became a nagging neck pain, stiff body and lower back pain. I always cringe to remember those days I couldn’t step into a car without fearing I wouldn’t be able to get out. Trust me; you wouldn’t want to experience that!
On a positive note, the unhealthy situation urged me to seek the way out.
How to sit more comfortably and healthy?
To me, sitting a skill. You might have come across suggestions for the perfect sitting position or the correct way to sit, which tell you to keep your back straight, shoulders back and pelvis forward. This is based on a perfect outer look, but the best sitting posture is simply the one gives you endless comfort.
Upgrade Your Sitting Positions With These 3 Steps:
#1 Comfort is King
Each of us is different. The only right sitting position for you is the one you feel comfortable doing and doesn’t cause any later discomfort. Start experimenting with slightly different positions, but stay within your comfort zone.
#2 Move a little - All the Time
My passive and stationary sitting posture was the real cause of my discomfort. I only moved when I had to, such as to get stuff or when I got tired. In between, I was as still as a rock. What I do now is gently move from one posture to another and back again while sitting. The movements are so subtle they are practically invisible to others. I also pay attention to the continuous breathing movements which, like waves, move the torso back and forth. Together, well fine-tuned, these movements create better sitting comfort.
#3 You & the Chairs
Chairs come in wide array of designs, and while traveling abroad, I often find each country seems to have different standard sizes. There was time I searched for my perfect chair, but I soon realized I wouldn’t find one. What I do now is fine-tune my posture to the chair. To feel how the chair supports me, I distribute my body weight equally on the seat, and at the same time, find a relaxed position for my feet. It might take some time to determine which position works best, but once you get the hang out of it, it will help you avoid muscle strain.